I learned So Much With You. It Gave Me A completely Different Outlook About Childbirth - Actually Way Beyond Just Child Birth!
Dear Marie-Paul,
You know what came to my mind is that your work for me was like:
.... I have 5 months left until the birth - what can I learn? How can I prepare myself? You basically, and very thoughtfully (to not overwhelm a pregnant mom), gave me quite a bit of weekly material to watch, read and reflect upon. It was almost like when you learn a new language and you take an intensive course at a school you have to study but at the end you are able to speak the language!
I remember when Juan would come home from work I would start telling him all I had just read or seen/learned and I would put him in front of the TV showing him all the videos etc. you gave us to watch. Poor Juan... he had no choice... he had to go with the flow of the power of a pregnant wife ;-) I think for me personally it was important to be so well informed and prepared to make the choices I made for the birth.
But this is also the way I am. When I do something and really commit to it and I give everything I have and can.
You are so amazing - doing what you are doing! You really are a brilliant teacher - educating people to make "good" choices!
I will always be deeply grateful!
You are such a gift to the ones who are ready to receive this gift - to receive you. It is the most empowering intention, that one can have - that you have, to "give them back to themselves." There is really nothing more you can give and teach. Then, all the questions are being answered through their own hearts.
I know from my own experience with you that you are a teacher - a great teacher! A teacher, who is awake, committed and completely devoted to the path of truth. It's pure!
I know that Shael will teach me a lot! She is my teacher and I am her teacher too :-)
I am so glad I met you back then when I was pregnant. I learned so much with you. It gave me a completely different outlook about child birth - actually way beyond just child birth! I feel it is like a whole block of knowledge and wisdom you have passed on to me and with my own experience of birth I feel like I have something very valuable to share.
I feel so deeply in my heart for the children who come into this world and I wish so deeply for all of them to have what is their birth right; an un-medicated arrival and the warmth and closeness to their mother and also father for as long as possible. It saddens me to see how for convenience babies are put in a little car seat in which they are carried to the car and from the car to the store and from the store back to the car and back home without ever having physical contact with their mother... this is just one example of many other things that have been lost for convenience of business and money.
You give everything of you to educate parents and show them that there is another way! If I can be in any way of service to what you have devoted yourself it will fill me, too, with joy
I like to remember the little "poem" or story that hangs in your office on the closet door :-)
Thank you Marie-Paul, for all your emails!
About your birth Testimonial video:
I really love your video! The woman, forgot her name, is very clear as she speaks about her experience. I like that! I think it is great that you share her experience in this video so that women know that even if they go to the hospital they don't need to have all the medical interventions. A lot of people are not comfortable with home birth and think a doula is more connected with midwives, hence, homebirth.
Women and their partners need to know that they have a right to express their voices and to make conscious and educated choices. And that, you transmit so well to your clients through all your knowledge, experience, confidence, intuition and joy!
Great, dedicated work! As always ;-)
Much Love to you, and Thank you!
Fabienne Suter