I thank you because I know you changed our lives
Prana turned one, and I was so thankful to have you not just as my lovely doula but also as my friend.
Have I told you that my mom was scared of the idea we were doing home birth because she went to a Chinese astrologist and he told her I was going to have a hard time giving birth? Also, after Prana was born, we went to see an Indian astrologist to read her life and he asked us "did the mother had a hard time giving birth to this child?" It seems like it was written on both of our life chart, but it did not happen.I thank you, because I know you changed our lifes. Now we are into homeopathy, eating healthier, and taking care our child in a very different way because you are part of our lives.
I miss your smile; you are always such a beam of light when you arrive! Maybe after we come back from Hawaii (going to Maui tomorrow for 8 days :)), we should make a day to visit you :)
Always love,
Caroline Chang,
Yoga Instructor