Smooth Labor and Delivery
Marie-Paul became my brother's girlfriend at the time we met. I was five months pregnant (my first and only pregnancy at age 39). It is almost nine years later and I am blessed with a beautiful, talented, sensitive and delightful eight year old daughter named Rachel. I was at the time SOOO ready to have a child of my own (already had three step-kids).
I was also truly afraid of the physical pain and potential problems of childbirth. I talked about some hypnotherapy sessions with Marie-Paul and we planned to meet several times before my due date. Rachel came three weeks early so in fact we only had one hypnotherapy session. It was perfect! It was truly a significant step in preparing for this experience.
The main thing I gained was a mental and spiritual way to relax and focus on the arduous task that Rachel and I had in getting her out (well her dad Jay helped a lot too with his tremendous coaching!). On the way to my meeting with Marie-Paul I bought the most lovely shampoo and conditioner with a delicious apple scent. When Marie-Paul asked me to choose a word (like a
mantra I guess) to use throughout the birth process, I chose "apple." She kept reminding me that I wasn't doing this alone and that my baby Rachel was a partner in helping and to keep talking to her. I kept thinking the word apple, imagining the fresh, crisp scent, while coordinating my breaths with calming visual images.
During the session with Marie-Paul I was truly able to get into the headspace of what the birth experience would be like. During labor, I was able to recall the relaxing association of being in Marie-Paul's comfortable office lounging chair. And all the while smelling the apples! MP's calming voice (with her lovely French accent) also helped.
There's no question Marie-Paul was tuned into the entire process. While in labor my brother and Marie-Paul waited at my house with our dog Maggie. At the moment Rachel was born, Maggie started barking loudly and Marie-Paul knew that Rachel had arrived.
All in all, it was a smooth labor and delivery and a very positive experience. I have told many people about the session with Marie-Paul and highly recommend her services to expectant mothers. I'd see her once more, except I won't be getting pregnant again!
I wish her the best with this new endeavor!
(okay Marie Paul. . .signing off now. . . Best of luck!)
Ilene Blaisch,
Social Worker, Director of Counseling Center, Woodbury University