The Pain ('discomfort') Was Manageable!

Yes I had the baby and yes he's amazing. I was actually laid up in bed for a week or so after the birth because my pelvis separated during the delivery so I couldn't really do anything for a while... this is really the first week that I've been truly mobile and can finally carry my son!

So... Here's his stats: He was born on July 26th, at 10am exactly, he weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. I was in labor for 15 hours (are you kidding me?!) but managed it naturally. :) yeah!!!

I think you would have been proud of Adam and I - I was actually already 7cm dilated when we arrived at the hospital - so I felt really good that most of my labor took place at home with just Adam and I... :)  it was really nice - and the pain ('discomfort') was manageable...the hypnosis breathing really helped..

Anyway - as you can imagine Adam and I are exhausted... He really did all the baby caretaking (except of course the feeding :)) in the beginning because I couldn't really get around... 

Thanks for everything... xo

